Sarah's Story: Grows in Confidence, loses weight, FEELS AMAZING & sexy!

I am so, so in love with Sarah’s story!! For anyone wanting to really grow in their feminine energy and see how it can affect literally every area of your life, then you’re going to love Sarah, because that’s exactly what she did. Not only that, but she has lost around 10-12 lbs over the last year or so and her relationship with food is better than ever. Here’s her story…

Introduce yourself! What’s your name, age, where you live, what you do, all that good stuff!

My name is Sarah, I’m 27 years old and I am a Southern California native. I am a dancer, and in this weird post-covid world in Los Angeles I have been bouncing around between different jobs while still dancing and performing.

Can you share a little bit about your background regarding your health, diet, hormones, weight, relationship with exercise & food & your body throughout your life?

As a kid I was always veryyyyyyyy very very skinny. It was just in my genetics. My dad is very tall and thin. As a baby I was born in the 5thpercentile in weight, and I was always significantly skinnier than my peers as a child. But I was healthy. Doctors would always pressure my mom to put me on hormones as a teenager so that I would get my period. But as a child/teenager my mom would always defend me against the doctors. I truly ate a lot of food, and my parents were intentional about feeding us enough nutritional food. I basically ate a standard American diet with a little less red meat and little extra fruits & veggies. But I literally never thought about food. I ate when I was hungry. I loved pizza and ice cream. I was a typical kid that ate intuitively and was too invested in playing around to really care about food.

                However, in middle school I became very conscious of my skinny-ness. People always commented on my weight. Peers and teachers. It was so annoying to me. I just wanted to be “normal” and “fill out” so that everyone would shut up. I never intentionally tried to stiff myself or anything like that. I was just frustrated by the fact that almost everyday someone commented on how skinny I was. I hated the attention and interpreted it as an insult. As a senior in high school my body finally started to fill out. It was an answer to years of prayer. But then I was really upset. Because for my whole life I had an identity as the skinny girl. So as soon as I was “normal” I felt fat. It was such a weird subconscious trip. I didn’t tell anyone, but around that time I had decided that I had to lose weight to regain my identity as the skinny girl. So as an 18 year old with an iphone, I looked to google for advice. I found stupid articles about eating 1200 calories a day as a healthy was to lose weight. So that’s what I did. I figured the less calories, the better. I did not really count calories. But around that time I’d probably eat 1000 calories/day. Then after a few months started binging out of hunger. It was a bad cycle that lasted for a couple of years. 

                When I realized that minimizing my calories didn’t feel good, I came across many YouTube videos of extreme Vegan diets. They appealed to me, because the idea was “Eat as much fruit as you want and don’t get fat.” From there, I experienced years of all the crazy vegan diets. None of the food combinations I tried felt good to me. I obviously gained all the weight back that I had lost. Plus much, much, much more. I was contstantly on the search for the next “secret” that would get my body to a happy weight. It was a hot mess. Stress played a huge part of it as well. This vegan journey of trying al the crazy things lasted about 6 years. Way too long! Toward the end of that I had graduated college and the pandemic hit. During the year of 2020 I unintentionally lost 6 pounds. During that year much stress was lifted off of my life and I began to eat TRULY intuitively for the first time ever as an adult. I started working with Audra in February of 2021 because I felt like she could help to guide me with healthy ways to eat intuitively and get my body back to a naturally happy weight.

What was it that you were looking to solve? What were your main issues? (For example, things related to weight, hormones, skin, exercise, digestion, food, mood, energy, etc.)

I knew I had a great body and I was at a place of genuinely being in love with myself. But as a genetically tiny human, I knew that I had extra weight just sitting on me. And I wanted to know if there was a sustainable way to shed it and feel completely “natural/normal” in my body.

How were these things affecting your life?

I was just confused and wasting mental energy. I wanted to feel like my body was at its happiest weight. But I didn’t know if I could get there without restricting food and over exercising.

What other things did you try to fix these issues? (Diets, exercise routines, pills, etc.)

I kinda just gave up and was confused LOL. I still loved my body but I just felt like I would have to accept that I just had some extra fluff sitting on me.

When did you first discover me and my programs? What led you here?

I first discovered your YouTube when I was trying all the crazy vegan things in 2014. I felt like you weren’t extreme enough for me. I rediscovered your programs through Instagram at the beginning of 2021. I had learned a lot about feminine energy, so seeing that on your intsagram page as it pertained to food and exercise blew my mind.

(*i WANT TO INTERRUPT HERE REAL QUICK - i get this comment a lot about my plans and advices not seeming extreme or tough enough. but that’s the point! it shouldn’t be! that’s where most women go wrong with their health - they go to extremes and that’s when their bodies freak out and things go crazy. trust me, simple and easy is good! that’s what i want to teach you so you don’t have to struggle anymore! ok, now back to sarah’s story… :)

What made you believe my program/ebooks/coaching/etc. could work for you?

I saw all of your testimonials from clients and also just felt that it would be a right fit with your feminine energy mentions.

What was your experience like doing it? Tell me about the timeline of your progression.

The first week I lost no weight and I was just kinda anxious with all the change. The next week I focused more on my non-food assignments (stress reduction through meditation, afformations, acts of kindness, feminine energy, creativity) and I dropped 4 pounds. I didn’t even weigh myself for the last check-in because I felt so good that I couldn’t care less about the number.

How long have you been doing it?

I coached with Audra for 5-6 weeks. But I’ve been consistently eating this way for over a year now. I am more at a point of weight maintenance now. The general way that I am eating has stayed the same. But I am very in-tune with my cycle and activity level and when I need more fat/more calorie dense food in general. But my home base is always starch and veggies. Especially potatoes. And fresh fruit for snack. I’m obsessed with the simplicity of it all and how good it makes me feel. It’s as second nature as breathing. 

During your experience with it (the program/coaching/ebook), what was the thing you enjoyed the most & benefitted most from?

FEMININE ENERGY. I can’t even explain how all anxiety melts away when I am appropriately balanced I my feminine energy. I’ve always felt confident in who I was as a woman, but I have never been asked out as many times in my whole life as I have after working with Audra. And it’s not a weight thing. It’s an energy thing.  

How has your situation improved/changed from before?

I don’t even think about food anymore. The combinations/snacks/ etc just feel so good. This way of eating has become second nature. I absolutely love my body and feel like I’ve reached my “natural/normal.” And it makes me feel so happy!

How does that make you feel?


What things are you able to do & enjoy now that you weren’t before?

I used to be like hyper aware of my body in a bikini, or embarrassed to dance on camera because of my midriff etc. Now I have no worries in the world! I feel so free at the beach in a bikini at any time of the day and anytime of the year. I also love getting filmed in class wearing whatever cute dance outfit I want! I am even surprised sometimes watching the video-like dang I didn’t know my body looked that hot LOL.

What about the (program/coaching/ebook/etc) surprised you the most?

The feminine energy journaling prompts and 5 minutes of creativity. They made such a shift. When I feel too heavy into my masculine energy I go straight back to those basics. They help SO MUCH. Also the proportions of starch/veggies/fat/fruit. That helped so much in keeping me satisfied-even over a year later!

What are the key elements of (the program/coaching/ebook/etc.) that are a huge aspect of your lifestyle now?

Feminine Energy, the simplicity of the meals, WALKING omg I forgot how much I absolutely love to walk every single day, and affirmations/meditation (I feel convicted to make these two more consistent because they are so good for stress reduction)

What would you say to others out there who are still searching, confused & frustrated & are considering working with me to fix their issues?

It does not have to be complicated! There is no quick fix secret. Sustainability and ease and commitment are you best friends.

Feel free to add anything you wish here!

So it’s actually kinda crazy with the pictures! They’re all 6 months apart :) evolution of a year. I’m not very into weighing still but it’s officially a 10-12 lb weight loss after a year!

To listen to sarah’s story in even more detail, check out the podcast we did together!

Join the Balanced Babes Program here and get started changing your mentality around food, your body, exercise, feminine energy and stress NOW! Why keep waiting? You’re worth it babe. There’s a video you can watch to see if the program is right for you and you can always email me to or DM me on instagram (@thisgirlaudra) if you have any questions at all! I’m glad to help and want you to feel amazing! :)

Audra Taylor