In my last post, I wrote a simple introduction to “The Law of Attraction,” basically describing how our thoughts control everything in our lives. This is happening all the time, to every person, whether we realize it or not.

In this post, I’m going to give some tips on how to use your mind to change your health (plus, really anything else that you want to see changes in - your relationships, your body, your job, etc.)

While I do work with girls and women on fixing their hormones, losing weight, getting their diet and exercise right and loving themselves, the key behind all of this is making sure their mindset and their thoughts are in the right place. Because the truth is, if those two things are off, nothing else will matter or work. I can give you all the tips, the best plan, spell it out A-Z, but if your mindset and thoughts are off, nothing will change.

So, let’s dig into this a little bit more!

1. The Placebo Effect

The Placebo Effect is a phenomenon that is ALL about your mind. You probably already know what this is, but for those of you who don’t, it’s basically the occurrence of something happening based off of one’s expectations and beliefs. The most common example of this is when someone is given a pill by their doctor for a certain health condition and they’re told that this pill will heal them. The patient goes on and takes the pill and weeks later they feel much better. However, the catch is that the pill they were given wasn’t really any type of medicine or drug, it was simply a sugar pill. The reason they started feeling better was because they expected to feel better due to their belief that they were taking real medicine. There’s a lot that goes into the Placebo Effect, but it’s really just showing the profound connection that our minds and bodies have with each other. If we think or expect something to happen, we’re far more likely to experience that thing because we’ve already made it up in our minds that it will. (By the way, this isn’t to say that medicine doesn’t work and it’s all in our heads. Of course not. But the fact that you can take a pill that is just sugar, yet still experience the same results as if you took the real thing, says a lot about the power of our minds).

Now let’s translate this into your own personal situation. Maybe you’re trying to balance your hormones, maybe you’re trying to lose weight, maybe you’re trying to heal your body from something. The more you believe that what you’re doing will actually work, the more likely it will! I know that might sound too good to be true, but it’s not. It’s like I said in my last post, for the girls and women who go full-force into their plan, are optimistic, positive, and believe it’s going to work, guess what happens? It works! But for those who doubt, worry, are negative, stress and don’t believe, they’re going to have a much more difficult time. This is why I always tell my clients to stay positive, trust the process, and believe that they’re going to be fine. When it comes to the Placebo Effect and The Law of Attraction, you always want to take the path of least resistance - if whatever you’re doing (whether it’s diet or exercise or natural remedies or whatever!) is causing so much stress and frustration for you, it’s going to be a long road. You want things to flow naturally and effortlessly, it shouldn’t be such a struggle all the time.

2. Belief

Another common thing I see is that a lot of people have mental roadblocks that keep them from believing that something good can happen to them and their health. They see everyone else getting results, getting better, feeling better, etc., but they have this internal hurdle that they keep replaying in their mind that essentially is like a broken record: “I just don’t believe it will happen to me.” Or, “I don’t believe it will work for me.” Instead of this negative self-talk, try changing it to something more positive like, “I know that XYZ is on it’s way. I know it’s going to happen to me because I’m on the right path. I trust my body to do exactly what it’s supposed to do.” See the difference? Self-talk is the key here. We talk to ourselves and spend more time with ourselves than we do anyone else in the world. So, we have to be very careful and aware of what we’re saying to ourselves all day long. One exercise I do with my clients is to get them to keep a journal of the common thoughts they have throughout the day - it could be about their health, body, future, relationships, finances, etc. but I have them write down exactly those reoccurring thoughts. (Most of the time, these thoughts are pretty negative, by the way.) Then, we re-work those sentences to being more positive, affirming, and full of belief in what they want to be their new normal. Instead of saying, “I’ll always be unhealthy, I’ve failed so many times, I wish I could just stick with something,” we would change that to more of something like, “I love how I am getting healthier and healthier every day. I love that I can learn from all my experiences before and use them to make even better choices now. I love that I have a plan that I believe in and can adhere to, I feel so good!” Again, see the difference? The way we talk to ourselves is sooo important, so be very careful and aware of what you’re saying!

3. Let Go of Any Resistance

The good news is, whenever we have a strong desire or want for something, we’re already half way there. However, if there’s a lot of resistance towards that thing, it can make it much more difficult and take much longer than if you just went with the flow of things. The best way to let go of any resistance is to take away any feeling of desperation or need or lack. The worst type of thinking is along the lines of, “I have to have _____ to be happy.” If this is your mindset, you will never be fully satisfied. You’ll always be wanting more and more and more. So, the key here is to appreciate where you are right now in your journey. What are some things that you can find gratitude in that’s already happened? For example, I recently coached a a young girl who slowly, but steadily made progress each week. Every time we would talk she would say, “I did pretty good this past week, but I just want to be there already! If I could just have XYZ, then I’d be happy!” After we talked about this whole concept, I told her to instead think about all the amazing progress she had made over just a few short weeks (both mentally and physically) and to be grateful for all those little steps along the way. By doing this, you’re completely changing your vibration towards that thing that you want. (Being grateful is the number one way to raise your inner vibration or energy towards being more positive, which will then effortlessly lead you to your goal). So, trying to find gratitude and happiness in where you are right now takes away the desperation and the need for that thing that you want. It’s almost like a huge sigh of relief when you do this, too. (I hope this is making sense lol).

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that if you’re always wanting something and you’re never happy until you get it, you’re always going to keep wanting more and more and more because it’s ultimately happiness that you’re chasing. This is a never-ending cycle that drives you crazy! Instead, find happiness and gratitude with where you are now and that thing that you want will come so much easier, quicker, and pretty effortlessly. You want to let go of as much resistance towards that thing as you can, and the best way to do that is to be grateful and happy now. What are the little things that you can be grateful for? What are the small steps you’ve recently made that you can appreciate? What is something that you did today that made you happy, proud of yourself, or excited in some way? By thinking this way, you’ll instantly raise your vibration and feel much, much better about your situation right away.

So, one big question you might be asking is, “Ok, but how am I supposed to believe in something that I know isn’t going to work. I’ve tried everything! I’ve taken pills, seen doctors, tried all the herbal stuff, etc. so what makes it different this time?”

The truth is, people are doing exactly what you want to do every single day even when they thought it was impossible, too. One big difference between you and them is that they have figured out that to be successful in their goals, one thing they needed to do was to look for positive evidence all around them. However, what most of us do is we’ll read about other people’s stories and testimonies and we end up weighing the pros and cons of those stories. We’re getting both the positive and negative side of things. This sounds logical, right? Why not look at both sides of things?

Well, the issue with this is that when we focus on the negatives, that’s already setting us up for a loss. This is one reason why I tell my clients to stay away from anything that keeps them stuck in that old, lacking, negative mindset. For my clients who want & need to lose weight, I always tell them to get away from all articles, posts, friends, etc. who make them think it’s so difficult and complicated and that the weight will always come back. Same thing goes for my clients who want to balance their hormones: If they’re following all these different accounts of people who constantly talk about their problems and how this or that didn’t work and how horrible everything is, then guess what? That’s how they’re going to start thinking and feeling, too. Instead, I tell them to completely clear out what they’ve been following/reading/watching/listening to and start focusing on ONLY the success stories of those people who have the positive success stories that they want, too.

Think about it like this. It’s kind of like when you’re reading reviews on Amazon for a certain product that you want to buy. Let’s say you’re reading along and the first 5 reviews are super positive saying, “It works! Definitely get this, it changed my life!” You’re automatically like, “Ok, I’m for sure getting this! I believe in it now!” But then you get to a review that says, “This was awful and fake, don’t buy this, it doesn’t work. Worst money ever spent!” Then all of the sudden you have this glimpse of doubt in your mind and you start to re-think if you should get that product or not. But remember, those first 5 reviews were talking about how it completely changed people’s lives, whereas that one little negative one totally swayed you to NOT buy it.

The point here is to only focus not the positive evidence. The success stories. The beliefs that what you’re doing is going to get you to where you want to go. Stay away form anything negative regarding whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Ignore everyone else’s negative results and focus on solely you. Because this is about you, not anybody else. And this goes for your own mind, too. Like I talked about before, you’ve got to be a sort of gate-keeper for your thoughts and when something negative pops up just tell yourself, “Nope, I know this is working and I’m well on my way there.” Constantly just be looking for positive evidence everywhere, even with your own thoughts. The quote, “We see what we want to see,” is SO true.

Lastly, one thing that I would say is SO helpful for staying on the right track with this (because let’s be honest, sometimes your mind will wander and you’ll fall back into negative patterns and routines) is that as you go throughout your day, whatever thoughts arise regarding what your goals are, ask yourself, “Do I want this thought to be true for me?” And if the answer is “no,” then stop thinking those thoughts. Because those thoughts are only going to keep you in that negative mindset and keep you attracted to that very thing that you’re trying to get away from! Instead, only think the thoughts that you want to be true for you. By doing this, you’ll constantly be thinking of things that you want to be true, which will then lead you to your goal. For example, let’s say Susie keeps thinking, “Oh gosh, I’m never going to be healthy. I’m always going to feel bad. I’m always going to deal with XYZ problem.” So, I would ask her, “Do you want those thoughts to be true for you?” And of course, seeing that those thoughts are so negative, Susie would say, “No, definitely not!” Then I’d ask, “Well, what thoughts do you want to be true for you?” And she would say something like, “Well, I’m getting healthier and healthier every day. I’m appreciative for the times that I feel great and I know it will just keep getting better. I can tell that this issue is going away and I’m so happy for the future.” Now, she’s thinking of only the thoughts that she wants to be true. The other negative ones are pointless, they’re just keeping her stuck. So, be very careful to only think the thoughts that you want to be true. And this goes for any and every area of your life - if you want something to stop happening or you want to stop feeling a certain way about something, then change your thoughts about that!

I know this might sound a little deep to some people, but it’s really common sense when you boil it down. Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. (I did a whole YouTube video on this you can check out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOjNAEUnWBA ). We can choose negative or positive thoughts, it’s all up to us. So, whatever you’re dealing with, whatever you want to change, whatever goals you have, start using your mind to your advantage because it’s so, so powerful!

I hope this helps! Let me know if you like this sort of post (I love these types of topics, to be honest haha), and I can do more! Just message me on Instagram if you enjoyed this and I can definitely do more :)



Audra Taylor