Karly's Story: Loses 15 Pounds, Clears Her Acne, Grows in Confidence

I want to introduce to you to one of my clients, Karly. Karly and I started working together in November of 2020 through 1-1 VIP coaching and she’s been following my Balanced Babes Program ever since April of 2021. When she first reached out to me, her main goals were wanting to clear her skin, get better sleep, lose 10 lbs, have more energy and stop overthinking. She was really confused over what foods to eat, why her skin was breaking out, how to exercise for her goals and where to even start.

For example, here’s a glimpse of what she was eating before we started. *Lots of people would consider this “healthy,” and yes, lots of it is healthy, but it wasn’t getting her any results. Her acne wasn’t changing, her weight wasn’t budging and she just wasn’t reaching her goals… (*if what you’ve been doing for years and years isn’t working, it’s time to switch things up!)

As you can see, she’s eating lots of “healthy” foods like smoothie bowls, collagen, fruits, etc. but nothing was changing for her. What she really needed was some balance - she needed to know exactly what foods to eat and exactly how to put those foods together to create satisfying, slimming, skin-clearing meals. Which is exactly what we did. Once we got the diet sorted out, worked on her mindset, changed up her exercise and understood how to put it all together (which is what my Balanced Babes Program is all about), everything fell into place.

So, here’s what she had to say about her experience over the last year and a half, and she’s still killing it!

Introduce yourself! What’s your name, age, where you live, what you do, all that good stuff! 

My name is Karly! I am 21 years old. I am currently a student at UNC Wilmington. I live in Wilmington, North Carolina. And have a part time job at a local clean beauty and wellness store! I am also in the process of taking a course to become a health coach!

Can you share a little bit about your background regarding your health, diet, hormones, weight, relationship with exercise & food & your body throughout your life? 

I grew up being very active and playing lots of sports. I had a good relationship with food I would say. Then in high school I did the keto diet, binged, and lost my period. After that my main focus was getting my period back and eating healthy without doing any “diet.” In 2020 I got super bad acne and felt like I had tried everything to clear it and nothing was working. That's when I reached out to Audra to see if she would be able to help me with my skin health. 

What was it that you were looking to solve? What were your main issues? (For example, things related to weight, hormones, skin, exercise, digestion, food, mood, energy, etc.)

I had followed Audra for years prior to working with her. I found her when I lost my period in 2018. When I finally ended up working with her it was not because I lost my period or wanted to lose weight, it was to see if she could help me with my skin health and bad acne.

How were these things affecting your life?

Having painful acne all over my cheeks affected me a lot. I was super self conscious and felt like I always had to wear makeup. I did not feel comfortable in my own skin. 

What other things did you try to fix these issues? (Diets, exercise routines, pills, etc.)

Prior to working with Audra, I tried eating certain foods to help with my acne, also taking supplements for skin health as well as lots of different skincare routines. I had also tried lots of diets, calorie counted, and was always trying ways to lose weight and just get fit. 

When did you first discover me and my programs? What led you here?

I first discovered Audra in 2018 when I lost my period. I contacted her and was going to do coaching with her but then I was able to get my period back. I reached out to her in 2020 to see if she could help me with my acne.

What made you believe my program/ebooks/coaching/etc. could work for you?

I knew Audras coaching program was going to work for me because I saw all the results from past clients on her page. I also had listened to all her podcasts and could hear how much changed happened in their life. Also when I messaged her on instagram to see if doing coaching with her to help with my acne would be beneficial for me her positive response and YES attitude definitely got me excited. 

What was your experience like doing it? Tell me about the timeline of your progression.

I absolutely loved my experience doing coaching with Audra. I always say she changed my life because truly since that time in my life everything has gotten better. My skin, my health, my attitude, literally everything. I feel like it was a huge changing point in my life. Because not only did my acne start to clear at the end of 4 weeks I also lost 15 pounds really without even trying. And now I have the tools to live a healthy and happy lifestyle for the rest of my life. Whenever I feel off I just look back at our emails and go back to the basics that Audra taught me! 

How long have you been doing it?

I started in November 2020, and have continued to do it until now. I am definitely not perfect but I do try to stay on plan because that is when I feel my best. 

During your experience with it (the program/coaching/ebook), what was the thing you enjoyed the most & benefited most from?

I really loved how it was more than just me sending over pictures of my food. I also had to do other things such as random acts of kindness, affirmations, something creative. I loved doing these things and then at the end of the day emailing them to Audra! Emailing Audra at the end of the day and reading her response the next morning was definitely something I looked forward to!! 

How has your situation improved/changed from before?

My acne has cleared so much! I am happy and confident in my own skin and do not feel like I have to wear makeup. Now I just wear it when I want to not because I have to! Also after losing 15 pounds, I feel way more confident and fit. 

How does that make you feel?

Clear skin has made me feel so happy and grateful. And losing weight in a safe, maintainable way was amazing. The way Audra recommends eating is maintainable for the long term. I mean here I am 2 years later and still absolutely love oatmeal and sweet potato banana mash LOL! 

What things are you able to do & enjoy now that you weren’t before?

Now I feel confident with my skin and also my body! 

What about the (program/coaching/ebook/etc) surprised you the most? 

I am surprised about how maintainable everything was. This way of eating is possible long term - it works, and you truly feel your best! 

What are the key elements of (the program/coaching/ebook/etc.) that are a huge aspect of your lifestyle now?

Daily walks, affirmations, random acts of kindness are all still a huge aspect of my lifestyle now! As well as oatmeal everyday lol!

What would you say to others out there who are still searching, confused & frustrated & are considering working with me to fix their issues?

I would say do it because it changed my life and might change your life too! It is an investment in YOURSELF! Do it for you because a happy and healthy you overflows into the lives of others around you! 

Feel free to add anything you wish here! 

So grateful for Audra!! She is the best!! 

hope you enjoyed reading karly’s story! The difference between who she was before vs. who she is now is that she has all the tools she needs to be successful in reaching her goals:

  • exactly what to eat and how to put her meals together

  • the perfect type of exercise + the perfect amount

  • having the right mindset to work WITH HER GOALS AND NOT AGAINST THEM


wITH ALL THESE THINGS SHE’S TOTALLY CHANGED HER LIFE. She also goes into tons more detail about her experience in our podcast here, click above!


Audra Taylor